Links API

Show navigation links on every page

You can configure the navigation links to be displayed on every page. This API is available on Home Layout and Docs Layout.


A link to navigate to an URL, can be external.

import { DocsLayout } from 'fumadocs-ui/layout';
      icon: <BookIcon />,
      text: 'Blog',
      url: '/blog',

To mark the item as active when browsing child pages like /blog/post, add set it as nested-url.

import { DocsLayout } from 'fumadocs-ui/layout';
      icon: <BookIcon />,
      text: 'Blog',
      url: '/blog',
      active: 'nested-url',

Secondary Item

Same as normal items, but are shown as icon buttons on the navbar.

import { DocsLayout } from 'fumadocs-ui/layout';
      type: 'secondary',
      icon: <BookIcon />,
      text: 'Blog',
      url: '/blog',

A dropdown menu containing multiple link items.

import { DocsLayout } from 'fumadocs-ui/layout';
      icon: <BookIcon />,
      type: 'menu',
      text: 'Guide',
      items: [{ ... }],

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